The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

It is unlikely that any of us can accurately foresee the consequences of our actions.

It seems that our intentions are good, but in the end everything goes wrong. Of course, we can try to make it up to the person or turn it into a joke, but sometimes the outcome can’t be changed.

My husband gave me a shower gel for my birthday. I didn’t show it to him, but I got really offended, because we had no money problems.

I checked that his company was okay, and we had enough money in our bank account so that he could buy me at least a bunch of flowers.

I looked closely at the gel, and he knew that I hated that fragrance. I ended up crying and poured the gel down the toilet. My husband came home happy and said, “Did you find it?”


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